Day 2 Part 1

  The Hunts go on Holiday - The Sequel 27/07/2000-to-10/08/2000

Family members:-
Ron-Civil Servant (Author, Driver, Ex-Pirate now all round good guy)
San-Teacher (Editor and Official Trip Toilet Tester)
Rachel-Aged 17 (Teenager with a Strange Hat)
Peter-Aged 15 (Sulky Teenager and Official Food Finisher Off-er)
Beth-Aged 6 (Mad about Disney, and now Daredevil Roller Coaster Girl)

Day 2-Friday 28th July 2000

We were up at 6.30AM ready for our first full day at the Magic Kingdom. It was a lovely sunny day and we managed to get on the road by about 7.40 as we had Priority Seating booked for breakfast at 8.10 at Cinderella's Royal Table.
We parked up in the Minnie section and were directed to the Monorail for our journey around the Seven Seas Lagoon. As the Monorail passed through the centre of the Contemporary Resort, we caught a glimpse of Goofy dressed as a Chef in the restaurant below.

We entered the park and took the obligatory photographs of the Castle at the end of a deserted Main Street. We bought Beth a new autograph book, a special 2000 edition at special Millenium prices and eventually arrived at the Castle at about 8.20. I feared that we may have missed our PS, but we were shown straight into the foyer where we caught the circular elevator to King Stephan's Banqueting Hall.

Having breakfast in the Castle on your first day has to be the best way to start your holiday off to get you in the Disney mood, but it doesn't do much for your digestive system. You hardly get to eat anything, and get indigestion from what you do manage to shovel down, in between character visits. We did this last year and it has now become a definite must on our holiday itinerary.
The breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, mashed potato, a fried custard doughnut(?), a plate of pastries and a bowl of sliced melon, all served with as much coffee and orange juice as you wanted. It is an 'eat as much as you want' meal, brought to you already served on a plate.
Our waiter, Sir Carl, was celebrating his daughters first birthday and having noticed that Beth hadn't eaten anything, He asked if she would like some breakfast cereal, which is more like what she is used to having for breakfast. She did manage to polish off her pancakes though!
Once again Beth had her pink Princess dress on, along with her new Barbie trainers, and this time she even had a crown on. All of the characters made a fuss over Beth and signed her autograph book.
First came Cinderella who spent a few minutes talking to Beth and then posed for a couple of photo's, even one with San.

Next came Belle who agreed when San suggested she take a picture of me and Belle together. (You guessed it…… Beauty and the Beast. I didn't think she looked that bad though!) I got my revenge by taking a picture of San with Belle. (That one keeps the kids away from the fire.) Oh, and we eventually took a photo of Beth with Belle as well.

The next character was Beth's personal favourite, Aurora - The Sleeping Beauty, who not only signed her book but also left her a lipstick kiss in it. Aurora also gave Beth a kiss on the cheek and posed for lots of photos. She must have used a special kind of lipstick because that kiss stayed on Beth's cheek for most of the day.

Aurora was Beth's favourite Princess because she told Beth that she looked like her little sister. It must be a 6-year old girls dream to be told that you look like a Princess by a real Disney character.
Princess Jasmine was the next character to visit our table and she insisted on getting Peter and Rachel up to have their photo taken. Hot on Jasmine's heels came Aladdin, who San and Rachel took a shine to, but I'm sure he was smiling at me!

Having seen the characters, we settled down to eat our now cold breakfast, and made sure Beth ate enough to keep her going. Once again, San complained about having sore cheeks through smiling so much, but I thought the chairs were comfy. This just goes to show how miserable she is normally. (Can I get away with that?).
After paying by credit card, Carl hadn't noticed that I'd kept his WDW pen. (Typical Scouser!)

After we'd had our fill, we got the round elevator back down to the lobby where the Fairy Godmother was holding court. Beth and I joined the queue whilst San went to the toilet. When it came to Beth's turn she sat next to the Fairy Godmother and the pair of them sat in deep conversation. She won't tell me what they were talking about, but I think it had something to do with the two mice who sit on a shelf, high up at the top of the room.