Day 2 Part 2

  The Hunts go on Holiday - The Sequel 27/07/2000-to-10/08/2000

Family members:-
Ron-Civil Servant (Author, Driver, Ex-Pirate now all round good guy)
San-Teacher (Editor and Official Trip Toilet Tester)
Rachel-Aged 17 (Teenager with a Strange Hat)
Peter-Aged 15 (Sulky Teenager and Official Food Finisher Off-er)
Beth-Aged 6 (Mad about Disney, and now Daredevil Roller Coaster Girl)

Day 2-Friday 28th July 2000

We then changed Beth out of her dress into something more suitable and headed for the rides. It must have been about 9.30 by now. As we came out of the Castle into Fantasyland there was no queue for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, so Peter and I legged it over to Tomorrowland and got Fastpasses for Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin for later in the morning.
We found San in the Winnie the Pooh shop and retrieved Beth and Rachel from the Golden Carousel. Rachel then decided to go and do her own thing and the rest of us walked straight on to the empty Winnie the Pooh ride.
This ride is great, especially the songs and the hunny-pot that you ride in. The Heffalumps and Woozles section is my favourite, while San is definitely a Tigger fanatic. Oh, and Beth likes the bit where your hunny-pot bobs along as the waters rise in the floody place. The colours and 3D effects on this ride make it a must, even if you don't enjoy a good Pooh.
The window for our Fastpass for Buzz was 9.40 until 10.40, so we went straight there next. As the window for our first FP had now opened, we got a FP for Space Mountain on the way past. If you try to cheat and get two Fastpasses at the same time, the machine gives you a ticket telling you that you must use your previous one first.
The standby queue for Buzz was only about 20-minutes but we went straight to the front with our FP's. We didn't get a chance to do Buzz last year, so we made sure it was one of our first rides this time.
On Buzz you get to pilot your own Space Cruiser through the Universe making it spin as much as you want it to, even if Beth doesn't want you to, and battle the Evil Emperor Zurg. Along the way you have to shoot targets with a Z in the middle to earn points and stop Zurg from stealing the world's battery supplies. The first time we rode, I scored 12,900, Beth scored 900, San got 8,000 and Peter got the grand total of 3,600. He insisted that his gun was broken but I think he was just too scared and kept his eyes shut on the way round.
There is a great section in the Buzz ride where you travel through a movie that is projected above you and to your sides. Here you have to shoot space ships as they fly around you. This was Buzz-tastic!
After Buzz we headed for Mickey's Toontown Fair because Beth had made a card to give to Minnie. It was now about 9.50 and Toontown didn't open until 10.00AM. Tigger, Pooh and Eeyore were waiting by the entrance to Toontown having their photograph taken. We took a picture with all three of them, and even I got on it as the 'minder' that was with them offered to take the photo. (Very nice man!)

Whilst we waited for Toontown to open, we rode on the Mad Hatter's Tea Party twice as there was no queue. We all squeezed into the one tea cup, holding our breath, and Peter and I spun it so fast that we nearly lost our breakfast. As we came off the tea cups, Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore skipped down the road as Toontown opened, so we followed. Peter and Beth told us off as me and San skipped down the road after them! Ah well, when in Rome, etc.

We headed straight for the Hall of Fame so that Beth could deliver her card to Minnie and only had to wait a couple of minutes until we were shown into the room with Minnie, Goofy and Donald.
Beth gave her card to Minnie and got a lovely big hug for her trouble. Minnie actually stood her card on the post next to her greeting area, which delighted Beth.

Next she met Goofy and even Peter joined in here, then Donald. Beth insisted on me having my picture taken with Donald "because his name is nearly the same as mine".
Peter and me went to use our Fastpass for Space Mountain whilst San and Beth joined the queue to see Tigger, Pooh and Eeyore. They were only allowing photo's earlier and hadn't signed her book.
We didn't manage to ride Space Mountain last year and it was quite disappointing. It is not a patch on the one in Disneyland Paris. As we made our way past the 30-minute standby queue to the Fastpass return lane, three different people asked what this 'special' queue was. Some woman even told her daughter that Peter and me were the astronauts. Some people just don't read the important information in their guide maps, but as I said earlier, without the Dis-boards we may have been in the same position as them.
I managed to fight off Peter and got the front row in our rocket-shaped car and waited for the thrills of going upside down at great speed. How disappointing it was when all we got was Goofy's Barnstormer in the dark!
We met San and Beth on the bench outside Goofy's Barnstormer, then waited whilst San went to the toilets behind Pete's Garage. We then went around Minnie's House. Last year we rushed through as Beth though Minnie would be in the garden, just like on one of her Singalong tapes, but this year we took our time. We listened to the answerphone messages, saw the popcorn popping in the microwave, the cake rising in the oven and the disappearing cookies on the plate. San liked Minnie's Studio with paintings of the Old Masters, such as the cartoon version of The Haywain.

Next we went into Mickey's House and admired his plants and seeds, such as the bluebells, tulips (shaped like 2 lips), dandelions (shaped like lion's heads), and tiger-lillies (shaped like tiger's heads). Beth was amused that all the clothes in his wardrobe were exactly the same, just like Shaggy in Beth's Scooby Doo on Zombie island video, apparently! The kitchen refurbishment, with a little help from Donald, was funny and San liked the Mickey shaped draught pieces and the TV aerial shaped like Mickey's ears.
We then met Mickey in the Judge's Tent after waiting just a couple of minutes. We didn't do this last year as the queue was over an hour. It definitely pays to visit Toontown early in the day.

Next we went on Goofy's Barnstormer after only a ten-minute wait. Beth had chickened out last year after waiting in the queue. This time, as there was no queue, she didn't have time to think twice and she loved it. And so her love of roller coasters had begun!
After applying more sun cream, San visited the toilets at Pete's Garage again, (she must have liked those ones), then we headed through Liberty Square towards Splash Mountain to get a Fastpass for later. As we passed the Haunted Mansion the queue was only 15-minutes, so we went in.
As we waited in the queuing area we noticed a ghost horse that occasionally moved, or was it just my imagination? Beth insisted on riding with Daddy and hid under my armpit with her eyes closed tight for the whole ride. I tried this for a few seconds, (not putting my head under my armpit), and it made the ride ten times scarier! I still couldn't convince Beth to open her eyes though.
We then continued on our way to Splash Mountain, avoiding the bridge where the water jet shoots out after every third log-boat down the flume, and got our Fastpasses for later. We then made the mistake of going to see the Country Bear Jamboree because, once again, we hadn't seen this last year.
This was a pile of, and only served to use up some time until out FP window opened. At least it was an escape from the heat with its air conditioning, but the show seemed to be full of Hillbilly jokes about inbreeding in the Appalachian Mountains that we didn't get. Never again!
We then went to the Sleepy Hollow café and had a lovely ice cream and cookie treat with a huge ice cold drink. These were great, especially as San said it was her treat. The cookies were huge and were exactly what we needed as it was now a very hot day. While we were eating, we noticed a cheeky squirrel hopping around the tables and the trees, and as Beth couldn't finish her cookies, she wanted to throw them to the squirrel. No chance! I enjoyed them even more as the squirrel watched me eat them. (I'm not that bad, honest! I did throw it a few crumbs).
We then returned to Splash Mountain just as our FP window opened and only had to wait about 15 minutes. This is still one of our favourite rides and the story is told very well using huge animatronics and the catchy tune from the movie. Some of the highlights are the jumping waters in the laughing place, Brer Fox sat on Brer Bear's back trying to pull him out of a hole, (am I the only one that thinks this looks a bit rude?), and Brer Rabbit sitting safely in the Briar Patch laughing at the clumsy duo.
Beth's verdict as we got off, only slightly wet, "That was Brer-Rabbittastic". San must have got a bit wet because as soon as we got off she had to go to the Splash Mountain toilets.
It was now about 1.30 so we decided to go and stake out a spot for the parade. As we walked back through Liberty Square, we spotted some characters behind the Liberty Tree Tavern so we stopped off to let Beth collect autographs and photos.
There was Timon, Robin Hood, The Sheriff of Nottingham, Pinocchio, Max from the Goofy Movie, and some bear who was very ugly. (When Beth got to his queue she changed her mind!)

We then headed off towards Main Street for the 3 O'clock Magical Moments Parade.
We managed to grab the same place as last year at the flagpole end of Main Street on the City Hall side, just opposite the sweet shop where the kerb bends around. This was an ideal position because we were in the shade of the shops so we didn't have to wait in the sun.

San went to the toilet and took Beth to put her Princess dress back on. The parade was late and didn't start until about 3.15. The first float along Main Street was a huge golden stage, to the front of which stood Cinderella and the Handsome Ponce who were flanked by Chip and Dale dressed as courtiers. On a second section of the float rode Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy, then on a raised platform stood Mickey Mouse dressed in his red sorcerer's outfit, and at the back of the float rode Pluto.
There were several dancing couples in front and behind the float and The Fairy Godmother brought up the rear. When the first float was directly in front of us it stopped, as did the music, then the characters and dancers left the float and chose children from the watching crowd to dance with them.
One of the handsome dancers, who had more make up on than San, bowed in front of Beth and asked "Would you like to join us, Princess?" This time she didn't need asking twice and jumped up. She stood in a circle with the dancing couple, two other children and either Chip or Dale, (how do you tell the difference?). They all held hands and danced for a few minutes, we got some great photos of her this time.

The next float along was The Little Mermaid, which had large plastic models of Flounder and Sebastian that squirted water and blew bubbles at us. Ariel sat high upon a big shell while Flotsam and Jetsam looked out at the back of the float. Colourful dancing fishes and sea creatures accompanied them.
Next came a huge Beauty and the Beast float with models of Mrs Potts, Chip and a large version of Lumiere. Behind the float came more dancers, some of whom were pushing trolleys with cutlery and huge cakes on them. On the float itself stood Belle in a sparkling gold ball gown alongside a well-groomed Beast in a long tailed dress coat.
The following float was the Aladdin one, upon which Aladdin and Jasmine sat high up on a flying carpet. They too were accompanied by dancers dressed as soldiers, who carried menacing looking bow swords that they slashed at the crowds. Behind the large float came a smaller one that was covered in treasure and had a magic lamp on the side of it.
As this one got to where we were sitting, the floats stopped and once again the dancers chose children from the audience to take part in the parade. Beth by this time was getting quite cocky and got up to join in saying, "I can if I want to!"
There were about twenty kids stood around the float, all following instructions they were being given in a song that accompanied the dance. They were encouraged to 'Rub that lamp', then skip and hop around the float in an excited circle following the actions of the soldiers. They then had to jump up and down, then hop on the spot which all looked like great fun. It's a good job Beth had her trainers on with her dress! Jafar strolled around looking mean and trying to scare the kids, without much success, then came a strange looking camel with a bikini on, (which was nice!).

The next float was my favourite The Lion King, which was preceded by dancers in animal costumes such as gazelles, zebras, leopards and giraffes. These costumes are great and I would love to borrow one of them for a fancy dress party.
The float is headed by a fully-grown Simba standing proudly (get it?) on Pride Rock. On our side there was a model of Timon and Pumbaa that squirted water at the audience, on the other side an enormous elephant did the same. At the back of the float stood Rafiki, the medicine man monkey dude. Behind the float came two tall stilt walkers, straight out of the Festival of the Lion King. I couldn't help imagining what would happen if one of them got a stilt stuck in the lines that run down Main Street.
The final float was lead by six vertically challenged individuals, whilst Dopey and Snow White rode at the front of the flower covered stage. Behind them, under a flowery arch, stood Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter, then came Mary Poppins. Baloo the bear and King Louie walked alongside the float shaking hands with the crowd, and at the rear walked Captain Hook, Gepetto and Pinocchio who were just in front of the rope.
The parade was great because Beth got to dance in it, but having seen the same parade last year, it did start to get a bit repetitive the next few times we watched it.
After enjoying the parade we decided to head back to the villa to get something to eat and have a swim. San visited the toilets by City Hall on the way out, then we got our hands stamped for re-entry and were pleased to find a ferry-boat waiting to take us back to take us back over the Seven Seas Lagoon to the TTC and the Magic Kingdom car park.
It only took us about five minutes to get back down the 192 to our villa and the welcome sight of the pool. We went for a swim, played with our beach ball and Beth got to ride on her 6-foot blow up Shamu that we had bought for only £2.99 in Asda last year and taken to Florida with us. (I managed to con Peter into blowing it up!)
After a good long swim, and even a go in the VERY HOT hot tub, we went back to the villa and took turns in the Jacuzzi to wash the chlorine off. Beth and me got in first, and as we hadn't used a Jacuzzi before, we only filled it half way up. The pump sucked the water up and the jets started spraying the water - up the walls, up the wardrobes and even all over the bed. (OOOPS!)
We eventually realised that the jets needed to squirt into deeper water, instead of thin air. When Beth and me finally got in, we must have put too much bubble bath in because the bubbles went everywhere.

After cleaning up the mess, we decided to get a quick dinner at the McDonalds on the opposite side of the 192, so I was sent to find food.
The girl serving in McDonalds didn't speak much English, but for a change it worked in my favour as I left with an extra Happy Meal that I hadn't been charged for.
Having had a good rest, we decided that we would return to the Magic Kingdom for the evening entertainment. Once again we managed to park at the front of the car park in the Minnie section and caught the ferryboat to the park. As it was already about half past eight, we decided to find a spot for the 9 O'clock Electrical Parade. We chose a spot outside Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe in Liberty Square.
We had taken Beth's light up Minnie wand, with fibre optic colours, that we had bought last year so this kept her amused until the parade started. After the usual warning, the lights in the park dimmed and the music began. We actually have the music from the Electrical Parade as our start up tune on our computer, so we know it quite well.
First along was the Big Blue Fairy, which must be at least 20-foot high. This was followed by a drum-shaped float, adorned with the Main Street Electrical Parade logo written in three-foot high letters, which were made up of fairy lights. Minnie rode at the front and Mickey was at the back. (Did you know that Minnie wore special illuminous lipstick in the Electrical Parade?)

This was followed by several butterflies, a caterpillar, some snails and a turtle, all of which led Alice in Wonderland atop a large mushroom. Every now and then, just below where Alice sat, the Cheshire cat's eyes would light up and he would appear. The White Rabbit walked beside the float shaking hands with the crowd.
Next came a procession of courtiers who carried a marquee, below which dancing couples created a ball. This was followed by a float carrying the two ugly sisters Drizella and Anastasia, and then some very well dressed mice who lead Cinderella's coach; a pumpkin shaped carriage equipped with a driver and a glass slipper.
Big Ben was next striking midnight, which was a very good link between Cinderella and my personal favourite, Captain Hooks Pirate Ship. This had Peter Pan and Captain Hook fighting on deck and even had Tinkerbell circling the mast.
A circus train came next providing pink elephants, magicians, clowns, and of course Dumbo flapping his ears. The accompanying music changed to a jolly circus tune as the procession of pachyderms passed.
The seven dwarfs were next, with Dopey sat in a mining truck amongst twinkling jewels. He was wearing a mining helmet that had a torch in the middle and Snow White walked to the crowds in her sparkling cape.
Following them came Elliott from Pete's Dragon, upon which Pete sat interacting with the crowd, whilst the huge dragon blew smoke from it's nostrils.
The last float was shaped like an eagle and had 'To Honour America' written on it, (spelt wrong - there was no U in it!) Fortunately it was flanked by plenty of characters. There was Chip and Dale, Pluto, Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore, the Big Bad Wolf, Brer Bear and Brer Fox.
After the parade, we made our way to the front of the Castle for the 10 O'clock Fantasy in the Sky fireworks display. We sat on the floor, like a big Hippie commune, waiting for Tinkerbell to start the proceedings, and were quite shocked by a group of young Brazilian girls who were very rude to other 'guests', shouting things like "Sit down, you are not made of glass, we cannot see". I don't think they realised that the fireworks would be up in the sky.
We sent Peter on a quest for popcorn to help keep Beth awake and he returned just as the lights went out. The best part of the firework display is actually when Tinkerbell flies from the top of the Castle onto the roof of the shops on Main Street. From where we were sat, right in front of the Castle, the fireworks weren't that impressive, (I've seen better at the Albert Dock). They didn't seem to climb high enough before exploding into bright colours.
We actually saw the fireworks on two other occasions on our trip, once as we rode Splash Mountain the fireworks were going off behind us, and late on in the trip, just as we were coming off Snow White's Scary Adventures, we came across the fireworks show by accident and found that we got the best view from just outside the ride as the fireworks seemed to be much closer and much more impressive.
When the lights came back on I was shocked by the number of people who had completely filled Main Street to watch the fireworks, the majority of whom were now heading in the same direction as me.

This being our first day, and especially after being up so early, we were too tired to stay in the park any longer so we had to slug it out with the huge crowds all leaving at once.
This is our only gripe about the Magic Kingdom. When you leave the park you still have to get to the TTC and the car park. We waited ages for the ferry boat and they didn't seem to be able to cope with the number of people all leaving at once. Beth was now well away in her pram so we headed down the stroller lane, to the left of the ferry queue (a sort of Fastpass for the ferry queue if you have got young kids). However despite several announcements that this lane was for families with wheelchairs or strollers ONLY, there seemed to be lots of young Brazilians who pretended not to understand.
I'd had enough by now and simply rammed anybody who had the cheek to get in my way with our four-wheel drive, off road Mothercare pram. We managed to get onto the third ferry and were relieved that we only had to go as far as the Minnie lot to reach the van.
There were queues all the way out of the Magic Kingdom, all the way down Buena Vista Drive and even tailbacks on the 192. After experiencing this we either stayed in the shops, or watched the 11 O'clock parade whilst the crowds dispersed.
We eventually got back to the villa at about midnight, just in time for San to go to the toilet. We were absolutely knackered, but had enjoyed a great first day.