Day 10

  The Hunts go on Holiday 29/07/99-to-12/08/99

Family members:-
Ron-Civil Servant (Author, Driver and Baggage Handler)
San-Teacher (Mother, Editor and Internet Queen)
Rachel-Aged 16 (Argumentative Teenager)
Peter-Aged 13 (Sulky Teenager)
Beth-Aged 5 (Very Lively, Mad about Disney)

Day 10-Saturday 7th August 1999

2nd Day Free at SeaWorld

We had planned to visit Typhoon Lagoon on Saturday, but again changed our minds. Having stayed out so late in MGM the night before, we needed a lazy day and stayed in bed until around 10.30.

When we had visited SeaWorld the previous Tuesday, we were given a second day free ticket, which was an unexpected bonus. The ticket had to be used within seven days of your first visit, so we decided to use it on Saturday night to see the evening shows.

After a slow start to the day, we headed for Beltz, arriving around midday, and again toured the shops looking for bargains. I was unsuccessful in my search for rare rock music, (any rarities by the Black Crowes, Aerosmith, David Lee Roth, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, etc). However, San managed to find her favourite perfume - Royal Secret by Germaine Monteil, which has been discontinued in the UK for a few years now. She also bought some strange hair conditioner for Blondes at $3 that usually costs £9 here. By 3 O'clock a very patient Beth had just about had enough shopping, so we returned to the Quality Inn Plaza, via Goodings for some more supplies.

We had promised Beth that she could spend some time in the hotel pool, so after smearing ourselves with sun cream, we took our white bits to the pool for a splash about. Beth enjoyed being pulled along whilst sitting on top of her blow up Shamu, whilst Peter and I played our own version of water polo, with a beach ball. San decided to do some washing, but as she pulled one of the suitcases out from under the chest of drawers in our room, the dog lead that we had bought in MGM sprang out and hit her smack in the face, giving her a nice lump on her nose and a black eye! She was so embarrassed that she wore her sunglasses for the remainder of the holiday, even though they hurt her sore nose. She looked like a battered housewife, and I got some funny looks, for the remainder of the holiday, from other hotel guests and also when we toured the parks. The Scouse accent also didn't help!

By 5 O'clock we had worked up an appetite, so having showered and changed, we went to the Ponderosa on I-Drive. You get amazing value for money here and the portions are so big, that even Peter-the bin struggled to finish his meal. I had three large fish, with chips, whilst San had been dying to try an American steak which was very impressive. After eating far too much, (we are already on diets in preparation for next year!), it was time to head for SeaWorld, arriving at about 7 O'clock.

We caught the Clyde and Seamore show at 7.45 as the first time we saw this show it was one of our favourites. The second show seemed to lack something though, either because it was the last show of the day, or because we knew what was coming next. This time the show had a female character who seemed unsure of the script, and although it sounds cruel, the biggest cheer went up when she fell into the water. We still enjoyed it though, as it was still very funny.

Next we headed for Terrors of the Deep but as time was getting on we had to rush through it. We did see enough to make us want to return to spend more time there on our next visit. The best part of this attraction is definitely the glass tunnel that you go through whilst standing on a travellator. There was a shark resting on the top of the tunnel and you could see its mouth move as it sucked the water in, presumably feeding. The darkness of the tank gave the place an eerie feeling, as some of the world's deadliest sea-creatures, including sharks, eels and barracudas, glided silently a few feet above us, separated only by a few inches of glass. Still, at least they can't survive outside the water. We didn't have enough time to see all of the tanks in Terrors of the Deep, as we were rushing to the Shamu Stadium for Shamu Rocks America at 8.45.

We decided not to sit in the Splash Zone this time, so we could all sit together, and managed to find seats about half way up, on the left hand side of the stadium. The nighttime show is similar to the Shamu Adventure, the main difference being that the show is set to rock music. We managed to avoid being drenched this time, so we decided to stay for the Mystic Knights firework show at 9.45. (We now wish we hadn't!)

We had heard of the programme that this display was based upon, but it was so poor I don't think it would have made any difference if we hadn't. I think we had been spoilt the night before by the amazing quality of the Fantasmic show at MGM, as the Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog was very tedious and unspectacular. I think we were probably tired as well, but even Dierdre (one of the Mystic Knights, if you didn't know!) wasn't top tottie. (Dierdre Barlow from Coronation Street would probably have been made more welcome!).

On reflection, I wish we had left before the show ended, not only because it was SO bad, but because of the crowds of people all trying to leave the park at once. This show seems to be the only thing that SeaWorld has got wrong, but it remains one of our favourite parks in Orlando, and at least next time we know we can ride Journey to Atlantis until 10.00PM, rather than waste our time on a mediocre show. We learnt from this day that the animals at SeaWorld are far more entertaining than their human counterparts.

When we eventually got back to the car park for the short journey back to the hotel, we all felt a bit sad to think that we wouldn't get to see SeaWorld again until our next visit to Florida. At the time we hadn't expected to be returning so early, but as soon as we got back to Old Blighty, San was trawling the teletext to find the prices for this year. The rest, as they say, is history and we will be returning in July, and cannot wait to meet up with Shamu and his friends again. There will even be Kraken to look forward to this year, as well. As we drove back to the hotel, Beth fell asleep so San and I decided to go straight to bed, whilst Peter and Rachel went to the hotel arcade with their friends. Again I don't know what time they came back, or how they got into the room. I think San must have given them a key. (Doesn't this Holiday make you tired?)

Tomorrow:- Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure