A trip to Adventureland is like a visit to a tropical island. It has so many plants and trees that George of the Jungle would feel right at home.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Yo Ho the pirates treasure Yo Ho Ho! Ahoy there me matey's,
Pirate Beth's most memorable ride in Paris.
The journey takes place in a little boat through secret caverns. After floating through a quiet cave -BOOM- you're in the middle of a pirate attack. Cannons blast while the song 'Yo Ho, Yo Ho a Pirates Life for Me' plays over and over again. Be prepared because there is a small dip some dark scenes, some scenes with fire and most of the pirates are drunk.

Jungle Cruise

A voyage through the rivers of the world lets you experience landscapes such as a South Asian Jungle, the Nile Valley, the African Planes and an Amazon Rainforest. Along the way you see life-like zebras, giraffes, lions, hippos and a few headhunters. The Jungle Cruise is usually very crowded, if you want to ride it get there early in the morning. Nah! You're all right mate.

Swiss Family Treehouse

A realistic model of the Banyan Tree from the film The Swiss Family Robinson. Each room has lots to see, including hammocks and running water.
We saw this in Paris and it was very gay, but San had a rest at the bottom when she saw how many steps there were.

The Enchanted Tiki Room - Under New Management

Catch the antics of Iago from Aladdin and Zazu from the Lion king as they ruffle some feathers in the Enchanted Tiki Room. They sing and crack jokes along with the Tiki gods in a witty, upbeat show.