
Enter through the town of Harambe, a realistic representation of an African coastal village. Whitewashed buildings built of coral stone and thatched with reeds surround a central marketplace rich with local wares and colours.

Journey through over 100 acres of lush savanna, forest, rivers and rocky hills all graced with free roaming animals. Riding aboard a trackless safari vehicle a Bush Pilot and a Wildlife Researcher will narrate your adventure as you encounter animals including antelope, gazelles, giraffes, rhino, zebras and elephants.
Your trip takes an adventurous turn as your vehicle surprises a band of elephant poachers and gives chase across bumpy terrain.
No two safaris are ever the same. Remember on the Kilimanjaro Safari to put any parcels into the holders, as this ride is very bumpy. Keep your camera ready at all times. The Kilimanjaro Safari doesn't stop in the rain, even if it is really heavy.

Pangani Forest Exploration Trail: -

A close-up encounter with live Lowland gorilla, the ruler of the African forest, entire troops of gorillas bathed in lush jungle foliage with the entire area filled with exotic East African animals that range from toothy reptiles to brightly coloured birds.
In addition to your gorilla encounter, you'll also discover an underwater hippo-viewing area and a savanna overlook.
Pangani Forest means 'place of enchantment', formerly known as Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail.

The Wildlife Express: -

There's only one way to get to Conservation Station: by a train ride from Africa. When you're done exploring jump back on the train back to civilization.

Conservation Station: -

Discover how Disney cares for the creatures in the Animal Kingdom and around the world through the interactive fun at Conservation Station. Disney's contribution to the Circle of Life!

Inside the Conservation Station there is The Affection Section where you can have close-encounters with friendly animals. Animal Cam lets you observe the animals in their backstage homes, Animal Health & Care allows you to see research, veterinary care and food preparation in action, Rafiki's Planet Watch and Eco Heroes are interactive videos featuring endangered animal information.