Liberty Square

This small area separates Frontierland from Fantasyland.
It is a quiet spot with some shops and a couple of attractions.

Will Beth be brave again?
This haunted house isn't too scary but there are plenty of special effects, ghosts to keep you on your toes, 999 in fact. Before you enter read the funny tombstones outside.
Once inside you are stranded in a room with no windows and no doors. Then you enter your 'Doom Buggy' for a ride around the happy haunting grounds as you glide past spooky specters that include door knockers that knock themselves, a ghostly teapot pouring tea by itself and a ghost napping under the table at a party.
The ride is more funny than scary.

Liberty Belle Riverboat

We did this ride in Paris, it was nice but is not a must see ride. A good idea for a rest though whilst your still in the park. The Liberty Belle Riverboat docks at Liberty Square.
An authentic three-tiered sternwheeler steamboat takes you on a slow, relaxing cruise, which can be a nice break on a hot day.
The best seats are right at the front or at the back where you can see both sides of the river as you go along past log cabins, animals and the attractions of Frontierland and Liberty Square. Closes at dusk.

The Hall of Presidents

American history show rumoured to be air-conditioned.
All 42 presidents appear and either nod-off, whisper or fidget their way through a roll-call. Abe Lincoln and Bill Clinton speak and a film shows the importance of the American Constitution from its inception and through to the future.

Mike Fink Keelboats

Small keelboats cross the Rivers of America on a journey past the wildlife along the banks and the old log cabins. Closes at dusk. HMMMM NICE!