

The Park's Main Entrance leads you through the gates of a Moroccan Fort. Here you'll find the Zagora Café, the Boujad Bakery, and numerous souvenir stands arranged like an open-air marketplace complete with wailing Middle Eastern music.

The Sultan's Tent

A raised platform hung with colourfully striped curtain houses a Snake Charmer who wraps a python around her arms, waist and neck. Show times are posted next to the tent. To the right is a group of alligators that share their pond with Koi Carp.

Moroccan Palace Theatre

This houses the cool comfort of an ice rink, which is host to a four times daily ice show called World Rhythms on Ice which is Groovy Baby! The production features 16 skaters from four countries, blending more than 300 lavish costumes with special effects to create a tour of cultures from across the globe, which features different time periods in the featured countries.
The first country showcased is Africa, which includes puppetry and black light displays. The second section is set in Austin Powers' 1960's England where wild retro costumes and rock music bring the 60's back to life, a very groovy time indeed. Brazil is featured in the third section in a 5-minute tribute to Carnival. The fourth segment represents China as a dragon appears and authentic Chinese foot-jugglers show off their skills. The fifth country represented is Antarctica, as a cartoon-like walrus and Polar bear boogie on the frozen wastes. Germany follows in the sixth section where a romantic story unfolds involving a Prince and Princess at a 19th Century castle. The seventh, and Grand Finale segment features the USA with Lady Liberty and God Bless America.