New York


Take a spin in Twister, as Universal Studios brings the excitement of the blockbuster film to life. Feel what it's like to be a storm-chaser, looking a tornado right in the eye as you experience what it's like to be in the middle of a Twister. Grab on to the railing and 'Ride it Out' as the swirling vortex of the tornado blows you away.
After you go through the queuing area that is made to look like a town that has just been hit by a tornado, you hear the warning sirens that a tornado is coming. You then enter the next Soundstage, which is set up like the drive-in scene from the movie. Slowly the wind picks up, it begins to rain, (you will get wet), and things start getting very loud, very dark and very scary. Remember that this is a stand up show, not a ride. Beth definitely doesn't want to see this show.


Come face to extra large face with the biggest ape ever to swing from the Empire State Building, as an entertaining tour suddenly turns into all out terror as you encounter King Kong who is on the rampage and after you.
He stalks you through Manhattan, levelling skyscrapers, swatting helicopters and crushing everything in his path. He then traps you near the Queensboro Bridge and blasts you with his banana breath, before hurling you on a treacherous trip that results in the wire of your cable car snapping sending you plunging to your peril. Be warned, this time King Kong wins the battle.
A big, mutant gorilla is enough to scare most kids, but the tram also simulates the illusion of falling and parts of the ride are dark so there will be lots of screaming.